5 Care Tips for a Fresh Cut Tree!

- Make a fresh cut.
Before you bring the tree into your home and place it in a stand, re-cut the trunk at least one inch from the bottom just before putting it in the stand. This re-opens the tree stem which will have dried from the previous cut.
- Choose a spot away from heat sources.
Heat sources like heat registers, space heaters, fireplaces, wood stove, televisions, computer monitors, etc. speed up moisture loss and are also in many cases a fire hazard!
- Water immediately & Don’t add anything to the water!
Place the tree in a sturdy, large, capacity stand with room temperature water. The stand should hold at least 3 litres of fresh water. Some commercial additives and home concoctions can ruin the tree’s moisture retention by blocking the capillary membrane.
- Check water level daily.
Do not allow the water level to drop below the fresh cut or the stem will reseal and be unable to drink. It is not unusual for a tree to drink 6 litres of water the first day you bring it home.