Author name: RidgeView

Landscape Lighting

You’ve completed your garden, and created an enviable outdoor oasis. It’s a shame that night ever comes, covering all your hardwork in a shroud of darkness. The solution to this is creative and specific outdoor lighting design. Illumination can accentuate and draw attention to the various areas, features, or ornaments of your yard. Here are several types of lighting and recommendations of placements you can consider. 1. Architectural Lighting: Lights can be strategically placed to […]

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Standards in you Garden

We’re not talking about your garden holding esteem, we’re referring to the fabulous eye catching group of plants known as standards. Often referred to as balls-on sticks they are truly SO much more. A standard “tree” can be a number of different varieties it all comes down to personal taste. Whether you are looking to add visual drama with colourful blossoms, year around interest with an evergreen or eye catching foliage, there’s a standard out

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Is a Raised Bed the Best Choice for You?

I think I should preface this entry with a foreword regarding my belief that a raised vegetable garden is not necessarily a large low wooden structure. It can come in the form of an oversized planter, railing planter or even a hanging basket. There are many reasons to raise it up! Personally when I chose to build my large raised bed I was experiencing almost every one of the problems that would inspire this sort

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Succession Planting

There are a few different methods of succession planting that can be employed in a home garden. It takes a bit of planning but will dramatically increase the yield. The first involves fully harvesting the first plant and then planting the next plant directly in its place. Plant an early crop first followed by a heat loving summer crop. You may even be able to plant a third cold season crop for fall. The second

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Digging a new Garden

Creating a new garden can be a very laborious process but with good planning is always a worthwhile venture. I’ve always been fond of the expression measure twice cut once. This applies to cutting your garden bed as well. Decide where the garden bed will go and draw a plan on paper. Consider the plants you hope to feature and their eventual mature size. This will help you decide how large the bed needs to

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