Building an Evergreen Wreath

There are a lot of different wreath forms you can use as the base of your wreath. It really depends on the actual type of look you are going for. A styrofoam wreath form is well suited to plastic or silk flowers or wreaths where you are gluing the media to the base, for instance christmas ball or pine cone wreaths. But when using fresh evergreen boughs there are two key types of forms that […]

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What’s Bugging You? Potato Beetles

Potato Beetles are garden killers, both the adult and larval forms chew leaves and can completely defoliate an entire crop.  Not discerning, potato beetles will enjoy other plants in your garden including tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. The adults are about 1/3″ and yellowish-orange with black stripes on their wings and black spots behind the head. The larvae about half the size of the adults are red with black head and legs, and become yellowish-red or

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What’s Bugging You? Wasps!

Have you seen them? They’re everywhere, buzzing about, getting into your picnic, generally just being a nuisance. WASPS!! Ugh, being allergic I’m especially adverse to these winged bugs and unlike our friend the honeybee who is naturally a pollinator, wasps are predators first and can sting multiple times before their demise. As August turns to September the larvae are beginning to hatch meaning juveniles on the loose with little to do (think bored teenagers –

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What’s Bugging You? Japanese Beetles

Lace is lovely, unless of course it’s the lacy remains of what was once a full green leaf. These skeletal remains are the tell tale sign of a common garden pest – Japanese beetles, and boy are they bad this year. First they will damage your grass as overwintering grubs, then when the beetles arrive in droves you will find large sections of plants with these carved out leaves. They are downright devastating to plants

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What’s Bugging You? Blossom End Rot

A dark sunken or water-soaked spot at the bottom of a tomato is the classic symptom of blossom-end rot. This relatively common garden problem has been especially prevalent this year. The problem itself is is not a disease, but a calcium deficiency within the plant. It can also appear in pepper, squash, cucumber and melon type fruits. The reason for this seasons overwhelming appearance on blossom-end rot is due in most part to the incredibly

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