Garden Tips

Proper Care of Popular Climbing Vines

The wild and unruly look of climbing vines adds a certain Secret Garden quality to any landscape. Despite their often unkempt appearance many of the popular vines you will see in store do require some basic care. To ensure a prolific plant here are some tips for the most common climbers. Clematis Soil Clematis prefer moist, well-drained soil that’s neutral to slightly alkaline in pH. Seasonally add compost and a good quality granular fertilizer. There […]

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Attracting Beneficial Insects

Insects get a lot of bad PR but there are all kinds of good bugs crawling around there. The key is attracting these good ones to assist in the organic enhancement of your garden. One of the first and most obvious ways to keep beneficial bugs in your garden is to avoid the use of the chemicals. Another key way is by using specific plants to attract specific bugs. This week we’d like to review

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Dear Deer, STAY OUT!

If your lucky enough to live on a country lot or nearby a naturalized conservation area, chances are you’ve come in contact with a deer or two. Bambi may be cute but like it’s woodland affiliate Thumper they can be downright destructive. Some plants are simply deer bait such as narrow-leaf evergreens, especially arborvitae and fir, they also seem to have a taste for hostas, daylilies, and English ivy. So which plants do deer dislike?

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When Peonies Don’t Bloom

A classic staple in many traditional gardens, the faithful Peony is one of my absolute favourites. There are so many different varieties and the fragrance in bloom is absolutely intoxicating. But what happens when your plant is just a whole lot of green, all leaf and no flowers? There are a few reasons this can occur and most are easy to solve. The first and most common complaint relates not to an unhealthy plant, rather

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Landscape Lighting

You’ve completed your garden, and created an enviable outdoor oasis. It’s a shame that night ever comes, covering all your hardwork in a shroud of darkness. The solution to this is creative and specific outdoor lighting design. Illumination can accentuate and draw attention to the various areas, features, or ornaments of your yard. Here are several types of lighting and recommendations of placements you can consider. 1. Architectural Lighting: Lights can be strategically placed to

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