Father’s Day Activities

We all know that the best gift you can give Dad is the gift of time spent together. Here are some great ideas for fun activities this Father’s Day.
Go fishing
What dad doesn’t love to fish? We’re blessed to be so close to Lake Ontario, a lake with a wealth of different fish. Just be sure to get a fishing licence if dad doesn’t have one. Temporary day passes can be easily purchased online through Ontario.ca. You could even consider a fishing charter boat or simply sitting on the pier. Pack a lunch and make a day of it!
Go Carts
Zoom! Zoom! Many dad’s love to speed around the track and what a fun bonding activity to race to the finish line. Maybe let Dad win this time! You could check out Lakeland Kartway and spend the day at the Van Wagners Beach!
Spirits Taste Tour
We’re blessed in this region to have international spirits makers, wineries and breweries all in our backyard. Take Dad out for a tasting tour, locally you can check out Forty Creek Whisky, Dhillon’s Small Batch Distillery or the Bench Brewing Company in Beamsville.
Sporting Events
Southern Ontario has several professional & semi professional sports leagues. This time of year you could take dad to an MLB baseball game or MLS soccer game if you’re willing to make the trip into Toronto. Or grab the bat and glove, or the golf clubs and invite Dad to play a game all your own.
Gardening & Lawn
We can’t resist throwing this one in, Dad’s love a nice lawn but we know it’s a lot of work so give him a hand and help out with some basic lawn care. Fertilize, rake or weed, trust us one of these things ALWAYS needs to be done! If you don’t know where to start, ask Dad he’ll appreciate your help.