Garden Planning

Many gardens are now in full bloom, some are even beginning to transition into fall (gasp!) our summer seems to be winding down a little early. On a positive note it’s got us thinking about plans for next year’s landscape.
Firstly, if you haven’t already, begin to keep a photo reference library of your garden. It can really help the process when you can compare year over year in order to choose plants that have consistently performed well for you. Begin to strategize what plantings might be needed to make your garden outstanding in all growing seasons. Start strong with a chorus of colours in spring by purchasing bulbs to plant this fall. Sketch the plan for next year relying on your existing garden structure. Ensure to keep a good mix of perennials and shrubs relying on only a few annuals for colour and texture. Great plans transition naturally from spring to summer and finally to autumn. An autumn garden wouldn’t be complete without large flowering chrysanthemums and shrubs that change colour with chilling temperatures.
Be sure to have your pruning shears sharpened and ready for fall pruning. If there are any continuing disease issues deal with them now before they have an opportunity to dig in and go dormant through winter.
If you have a vegetables growing begin preparation for a cold season crop. That’s assuming you have already harvested, a lot of is late. Nevertheless, it’s good to get ready. Get the most out of your plot this year with plants like lettuce and other greens, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnips and even potatoes.
ENJOY – as we alluded fall is just around the corner so grab a book, a cup of coffee or glass of wine and get outside to relish the fruits (and flowers) of your labour.