How to plant a Good Vegetable Garden

There are so many different varieties of vegetables and so many different growing techniques it is hard to know where to start. We’ve got a quick list of fail-safe rules to ensure that when you bring those young plants home from our Garden Centre you are assured they not only survive, but thrive.
Choose the Right location
This means an area that is:
- The right exposure – you need a sunny spot that should ideally receive a minimum 6 hours of sun per day.
- Wind is neither the pollinator, nor plant’s friend. Choose a location where the plants remain sheltered from strong gusts that can snap stems faster than they can grow.
- The right size – those plants you brought home may seem small now but they will get MUCH bigger. Tomatoes can be particularly deceptive and can quickly overtake and overshadow other plants in the garden. Review guidelines here for interplanting veggies
Choose the Right Soil
- Moist, well drained soil is best for veggies and you may need serious remediation before starting. A quality topsoil mixed with a composted manure or other quality fertilizer is a great start.
- If your ground surface is really awful or pets/children/pests are really a problem, consider a raised bed that you can fill with a minimum depth of 12”
Plant things YOU LIKE
- Growing eggplant when no one (or only one person such as my household) likes it, is fruitless labour. Much of it will likely go to waste. Let children help select plants and choose recipes for their future crop. It will encourage healthy eating habits and responsibility as they help grow their own food.
- Also consider the grocer, what is expensive or in limited supply? Perhaps these are items that you may consider growing. It’s one of the reasons fresh herb gardens are so great! The yield from one plant can pay for itself twenty times over.
- Veggies need regular deep watering while establishing and especially during their peak producing season. If you’re going to be away keep a friend on hand to stop in and water, prolonged dry conditions open your veggies up to all sorts of problems and pests.
Monitor for Pests
- The best defence is a good offense. Monitor for any damage, keep the bed clean and tidy clearing away fallen leaves and debris which otherwise serve a pest cities. Encourage beneficial insects like honey bees, ladybugs and butterflies. Some tips on how to do this can be seen here: