Make your neighbours Green with Envy

Tip #1 Start with a Strong Foundation
With all the upcoming rain in the forecast it’s a great time to add valuable soil and seed to the surface through overseeding. Rake thoroughly and aerate the lawn. Spread a thin layer of quality soil such as Scotts Lawn Soil and then a good coated grass seed blended over top. Water regularly (assuming it’s not raining!)
Tip # 2 Fertilize
Existing lawns that just need a little help will benefit from fertilizing. Rake old dead grass thoroughly and clean any debris. Spread a layer of fertilizer such as Scotts Turf Builder using a spreader during the evening on a day prior to projected rain fall. Regular fertilizing should occur throughout the season, it is not a One & Done situation.
Tip #3 Deal with Pests
Do you have large dead areas in your lawn? This could be the sign of grubs! Skunks rooting around is another sure fire clue. Assuming you don’t want natural skunk aeration we recommend Nematodes, a form of biological control which safely and naturally will remove these unwanted pests, and their cohorts.
Tip #4 Mow Properly
Before the first mow of the season be sure to sharpen your mower blade. Do this at least 1 time per month. Always follow the one-third rule and never remove more than 1/3 of your lawn or you’ll shock your grass, resulting in slow root growth and discolouration. Switch up the direction that you mow your lawn, a criss-cross pattern ensures grass never begins to lean in a single direction, making it harder to mow in the future.