Mid Summer Fertilizing

Though it’s been relatively rain-filled this July, summer heat and other stressors can still take a toll on your garden and lawn. Everything has been growing like crazy and all this growth needs supportive nutrients. Fertilization of edibles, annuals, and grass will help ensure a bountiful crop, glorious blooms, and a landscape to be proud of right into the fall.
For edibles
At this time you are generally past the point of soil remediation as everything is already settled in its place. Frankly, a nicely composted and well-fertilized soil to start with is always your best method as it will ensure positive production from day 1. But let’s say your soil leaves something to be desired. Your garden may benefit from booster fertilization if plants are slow to produce fruit or undersized. Care should be given to keep the leaves of plants free of fertilizer when reapplying to avoid burning and injury to the crops so aim your product low and approx 1” – 2” from the root of the plant. Many veggies may need supplemental nitrogen feeding during the growing season. This is especially true of vegetables such as corn, garlic, onions, and potatoes, but any plant that shows signs of nitrogen deficiency – pale green or yellow leaves and slowed growth rate – may need supplemental nitrogen. You may also be seeing problems such as blossom end rot in tomatoes, which can be a result of low calcium and it’s this nutrient that needs replenishing.
For grass
Lawns in warm-season grass areas should be fed over the summer months as they grow steadily from spring to fall. If you have a four-legged friend you may be seeing the damage caused by the occasional bathroom break. To quickly patch and fertilize consider using a product like Scotts Turf Builder EZ Seed this combination of high-performance seed, premium continuous release lawn food, and an absorbent growing material will work wonders. If you see insects in your grass, use a feeding product that also contains insect control.
For annuals
Deadheading is a sure-fire way to keep your annuals looking awesome but a light regular feeding using a product such as Miracle Grow Ultra Bloom will help extend the season even further. Include container gardens in your feeding as they are especially susceptible to becoming nutrient deficient.