Proper Care of Roses

Roses, the poetic muse of many can be a delightful long flowering staple in any sunny garden bed. There are countless varieties of roses and depending on your type of soil and purpose in adding them to your garden there will be one that is just right. It’s best to review with Ridgeview in advance of planting a rose bush to ensure the plants success. But let’s assume this has already occurred and you are now the proud parent of this beautiful perennial. Now the aim is to provide the ultimate care for your rose allowing it to flourish.
What loves water but dislikes being wet? Roses! This is a little farcical but also true. Roses need frequent deep waterings in order for the roots to receive enough moisture, also shallow watering can encourage the growth of fungus. That being said they DO NOT like to be in standing water and if the ground is too wet it could kill them. The ideal soil is rich and loose, with good drainage. One of the absolute worst mistakes you can make is to not provide adequate drainage.
Though your roses will likely survive without regular feeding that’s not really the point, we want WOW! Big beautiful blossoms will ensue if you provide a regular monthly serving of fertilizer. Apply a balanced granular fertilizer like Miracle-Gro Rose Food 18-24-16 or Myke Rose Food 5-3-8. Sprinkle it around the drip line, not against the stem.
Now the dangerous part…My personal pruning escapades have resulted in my arms looking as though I’d been trapped in a closet with an angry cat. Word to the wise, get a pair of elbow length THICK pruning gloves. In the spring you’ll want to prune them down quite a bit. Large rose canes can be cut back by as much as two thirds, and smaller ones to within 6 to 12 inches of the ground. This will encourage the healthy new growth you want. After this major spring prune the key is to deadhead religiously! Removing old flower blossoms encourages the plant to make more flowers instead of using the energy to make seeds or keep faltering blossoms alive. When dead heading or pruning remove the debris away from the base of the plant that could serve as a home for insects. Roses like to breath!
Stop deadheading all your rose plants 3 to 4 weeks before the first hard frost so they are not tempted to develop new growth at a time when young shoots may be damaged by the cold.
Now get planting and see the world through rose coloured glasses. Be sure to share any of your rose photos on our Facebook Page we would love to see them