Starting a Veggie Garden

Starting a veggie garden can seem a daunting task. But if you’ve been building up your veggie game, a potted tomato here a window garden there, it may be time to graduate to a larger patch of land. Location will be critical to your success as a farmer and you will need to have a space that receives sun for 6 to ideally 8 hours of sunshine per day. In my personal opinion it should also be designed in a location where it becomes an aesthetic part of your landscape so that it blends in seamlessly. Building a raised bed or adding floral plantings around the edges can help disguise this utility based garden venture. However, be careful not to plant any large shrubs or trees near your veggies or vice versa as the resulting (or future resulting) shade will certainly cause duress. Planning is so important as shorter plants can be interspersed with taller plants to maximize garden space.
These things, amongst other factors can dramatically vary success. One of the most important is a topic of great interest, proper garden structure. People often ask about the amount of space individual plants need to thrive. It’s very tempting when plants are little to shove a bunch into a small bed in order for it to look full. This will look like it’s working until it falls apart like of house of cards. Plants grow until they begin to choke each other out and the crowded plants produce less fruit because they are competing for sunlight. Trapped moisture can lead to different types of rot and disease that spreads quickly in these stressed conditions. So, what is the right distance for plants? Browsing online the other day we came across an outstanding chart that easily explains the distancing an planting requirements of some of our favourite veggie varieties. Remember, you should choose plants that your family is likely to eat. If the kids hate peppers and are unlikely to eat them try a lettuce blend instead, no point growing things no one wants.
Vegetable |
Spacing in row |
Seed to sow per foot | Distance between plants when thinned or transplanted | Distance between rows | Planting depth | |
inches | inches | inches | ||
Asparagus | (2 years to yield) | 12-18 | 36-60 | 6-8 |
Bean, bush, lima | 3-4 | Do not thin | 18-30 | 1-2 |
Bean, bush, snap | 6 | Do not thin | 18-24 | 1-2 |
Beet | 10 | 2-4 | 12-18 | ½-1 |
Broccoli | Start from seed indoors | 18-24 | 30-36 | (d) |
Cabbage | Start from seed indoors | 9-18 | 18-30 | (d) |
Carrot | 15-20 | 1-3 | 12-18 | ½ |
Cauliflower | Start from seed indoors | 18-24 | 24-36 | (d) |
Chard | 8-10 | 4-8 | 18-24 | ½-1 |
Corn, sweet | 1-2 in row 4-6 per hill |
9-12, single plants 36, hills (3 plants per hill) |
24-48 | 1-2 |
Cucumber | 3 in row 4-5 per hill |
12, single plants 36, hills (3 plants per hill) |
48-72 | 1 |
Eggplant | Start | 18-24 | 30-36 | (d) |
Endive | 4-6 | 9-12 | 18-24 | ½ |
Garlic, from cloves | Plant as bulb in fall | 3 | 12-18 | 1½ |
Kale | 4-6 | 8-12 | 18-24 | ½ |
Kohlrabi | 6-8 | 3-6 | 18-24 | ½ |
Lettuce, leaf | 10 | 2-4 | 12-18 | ½ |
Muskmelon | 3 in row 4-5 per hill |
12,single plants 36, hills (3 plants per hill) |
48-72 | 1 |
Mustard | 20 | 1-2 | 12-18 | ½ |
New Zealand spinach | 4-6 | 12 | 24-30 | 1 |
Okra | 3 | 12-15 | 36 | 1 |
Onion, from seed | 10-15 | 2-4 | 12-18 | ½-1 |
Onion, from plants or sets | Plant as bulb | 1-4 | 12-18 | 1-4 |
Parsley | 10-15 | 4-6 | 12-18 | ½ |
Peas | 10-12 | Do not thin | 18-24 | 2 |
Pepper | Start from seed indoors | 18-24 | 18-24 | (d) |
Potato | 1 | 10-12 | 24-36 | 4 |
Pumpkin | 1-2 in row 4-5 per hill |
24-36, single plants 72, hills (3 plants per hill) |
84-120 | 1 |
Radish, spring | 10-15 | 1 | 12-18 | ½ |
Radish, winter | 10-15 | 2-4 | 12-18 | ½ |
Rhubarb | Plant from crown | 24-36 | 36-48 | (d) |
Rutabaga | 4-6 | 6-8 | 18-24 | ½ |
Spinach | 12-15 | 2-4 | 12-18 | ½ |
Squash, summer | 2-3 in row 4-5 per hill |
18-24, single plants 48, hills (3 plants per hill) |
36-48 | 1 |
Squash, winter | 1-2 in row 4-5 per hill |
24-36, single plants 72, hills (3 plants per hill) |
84-120 | 1 |
Sweet potato | Grown from “slip” | 12-18 | 36-48 | (d) |
Tomato | Start from seed indoors | 18-36 | 36-60 | (d) |
Turnips | 6-8
15-20 (greens) |
2-4 | 12-18 | ½ |
Watermelons | 1-2 in row 4-5 per hill | 24-36, single plants 72, hills (3 plants per hill) | 84-120 | 1 |