Organic food

Preparing a Vegetable Garden

With growing concerns regarding GMO’s and pesticides it’s no surprise more people are looking for ways to grow more of their own food at home. This can be fairly easily achieved with a little elbow grease and some basic gardening know-how. Location, Location, Location Consider what you want to grow and what the sunlight requirements are for each plant. Most veggies are going to want about 6hrs of sunlight per day. The exposure itself is […]

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Planting Garlic

Fall is traditionally the time to plant garlic in our region. As part of the allium family (like Onions) garlic is sensitive to the length of daylight periods, so it does it’s best growing during the long days of summer. By planting in the Fall you provide the plant a jump start on the growing season and it will prove to be one of the first shoots of green you see next spring. Garlic is

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Indoor Gardening

Ok I admit it, I’m already missing my Garden. I finished the last tomato yesterday and had my family not been watching I was tempted to shed a tear. It was a bountiful year but the most prolific was likely my lettuce supply which is also pretty much all picked at this point. So I got to thinking I could likely grow some lettuce inside throughout the winter months to keep my greens organic and

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