Things to do in your Fall Garden

It seems the weather has finally turned. Fall arrived last week and with it comes the welcome cooler temperatures and fresh air. I love this time of year, bright clear skies, pumpkin lattes and comfy cozy sweaters. It’s also a bittersweet time as I begin to the process of preparing my garden for the winter months. Here are my tips for the fall garden season:
- Plant fall containers: Mums, Cabbage, Kale, Asters and more! Planting colourful fall containers is a nice way to dress up your exterior as many other plants have finished their blooming season.
- Add fall decor: Pumpkins, corn stalks, hay bales and fall wreaths add colour to your porch and will carry you into the Christmas Holiday decor season.
- Cut back any dry stems of perennials to soil level after frost to neaten the garden and remove pests or lingering disease. Leave stems with attractive seed heads, like hydrangea or seedum for winter interest.
- Divide all spring summer blooming plants so they have a chance to establish before next year’s growing season
- Plant new perennials, with amazing deals to be had this time of year it’s the perfect time to plant new shrubs, trees or other flowering perennials
- Clear out the vegetable garden and use any clean cuttings to mulch and turn back into the garden soil. Be sure to discard anything which showed signs of disease as you don’t want it overwintering in the ground.
- Spread a layer of fresh compost throughout all of your garden beds to both feed and insulate during the cold months ahead.
Don’t worry there’s still at least a month of gardening left in this year, so get outside and make the best of it.