Tomato Cages or Stakes?

So this year I’ve decided to try staking my tomatoes vs. cages. Mostly because I saw a staked tomato garden and it was so trim and tidy, I nearly wept. It appealed to my inner minimalist. I also saw the benefit of extra air space in my already crowded garden. Which brings me to today’s post stakes or cages. There are pros and cons to each and I’d like to name a few to help you decide which option more suits your garden personality.
As I mentioned it takes up less garden space
Because they are aggressively pruned with this method you will get earlier, often larger fruit
Open and airy means fewer hiding places for pests/fungal to invade
Easy to pick during harvest and weed around throughout the season
Good 360 support
Minimal Pruning or training required
Good leafy cover to protect fruit and the soil from drying out
Labour intensive, pruning required regularly
Inconsistent pressure from improperly placed or too few ties can result in weak spots and fractures
With the extra exposure to wind and other elements more frequent watering may be required
Cages when they tip are very difficult to pick back up
Harvesting can be very tricky buried in leaves and behind wires
More foliage can make the plant more susceptible to blights
They take up more space